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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - cobweb


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  1. паутина 2. нить паутины 3. легкая прозрачная ткань (особ. кружево) cobweb veil —- вуаль-паутинка cobweb bridge —- хрупкий мостик 4. pl. хитросплетения, тонкости rope of cobwebs —- нить хитросплетений 5. тенета, западня caught in the cobweb of lies —- запутавшийся в тенетах лжи 6. путаница, неразбериха, беспорядок to rid the text of its cobwebs —- устранить неясности из текста, уточнить текст she has cobwebs in her head —- у нее каша в голове Id: cobweb morning —- туманное утро Id: to blow the cobwebs from one's mind —- выйти проветриться Id: he has a cobweb in his throat —- у него пересохло в горле 7. плести паутину; оплетать паутиной 8. путать; вносить путаницу, беспорядок drunkennes cobwebbed his mind —- пьянство помутило его разум ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) паутина  2) легкая прозрачная ткань  3) pl. хитросплетения, тонкости cobweb morning - туманное утро to blow away the cobwebs - проветриться; прогуляться he has a cobweb in his throat - у него горло пересохло ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. 1 a a fine network of threads spun by a spider from a liquid secreted by it, used to trap insects etc. b the thread of this. 2 anything compared with a cobweb, esp. in flimsiness of texture. 3 a trap or insidious entanglement. 4 (in pl.) a state of languishing; fustiness. Derivatives cobwebbed adj. cobwebby adj. Etymology: ME cop(pe)web f. obs. coppe spider ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English coppeweb, from coppe spider (from Old English atorcoppe) + web; akin to Middle Dutch coppe spider  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the network spread by a spider ; spiderweb  b. tangles of the silken threads of a spiderweb usually covered with accumulated dirt and dust  2. something that entangles, obscures, or confuses a ~ of law and politics  • ~bed adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (cobwebs) 1. A cobweb is the net which a spider makes for catching insects. N-COUNT 2. If something blows or clears away the cobwebs, it makes you feel more mentally alert and lively when you had previously been feeling tired. ...a walk on the South Downs to blow away the cobwebs. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a net of sticky threads made by a spider to catch insects; spiderweb AmE 2 blow/brush/clear the cobwebs away to do something, especially go outside, in order to help yourself to think more clearly and have more energy - cobwebbed adj - cobwebby adj ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1323, first element is O.E. -coppe in atorcoppe "spider" -- from ator "poison" (from P.Gmc. *aitra- "poisonous ulcer") + copp "top, head," of unknown origin -- an old word nearly dead even in dial. till J.R.R. Tolkien gave it new life in "The Hobbit" (1937). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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